Sunday, February 17, 2008

Bingen, Germany

Middle Rhine, Storm Clouds

A view over Bingen Germany looking to the Rhine River. What a great place to visit especially in the Fall. We were there (Germany and a few other countries in 2005 and 2006). Stayed with our friends mom, Mrs. G for a few days in Bingen before visiting other places. Wish I was there now to have a brat and a 1L beer!

The picture is from my flickr site:

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Winter's not done yet

Was off from work today. And the forecast was for more snow!! So we built an igloo. This has been the 2nd snow storm in Feb. I believe.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


What a bad week Jan 23 was. First I get a speeding ticket then the next day I get whacked in the face which included a trip to the ER where 3 stitches were placed and super-human glue used to close up a second cut under my nose. Tyler said, after I ran in the house, ('cause the bleeding wasn't stopping outside as I was applying pressure) I think this is the day my dad will die - I was told later. Kind of wild walking into the ER with that bloody paper towel over my face telling the triage nurse, duhhh "I think I need some stitches." It's been about 10 days now and everything is healing well.