Finally fed up with the cost of our Comcast internet, I finally decided to switch to AT&T. We were paying about $61/mo for cable internet with comcast. It was worth it back then because we were so fed up with dialup! But after paying that for years, it's time for something new and cheaper. I hooked up the DSL modem today and no problems. I can't believe they charge you $200 for a tech to set it up. It was very easy. As for the speed, really didn't notice any difference with uploading pictures. Haven't tried uploading video yet, however. I think I signed up for the express or pro DSL, can't remember which. As well, no problems using 3 or 4 browsers at the same time.
We've had the phone switched over for the last week now. At first, there was a lot of static, but after I added the DSL/phone filters to the phone jacks(which came with our dsl modem), the problem is pretty much gone. Thank goodness. Who needs 12 calling features like 3-way calling, call forwarding, call you in the car, call you in the shower.... We only need three: call waiting, caller ID, and call waiting caller ID, which we got with AT&T.
I have yet to receive the first bill, but according to my calculations looks like we should save around $40-45 a month. I'm just glad I didn't sacrifice internet speed with dsl. This has been the first day using it and so far, so good.
Now I have to call Comcast probably sometime next week to cancel our broadband - it's so expensive.