Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Pensacola Beach Wed. day 3

Damn wireless was not working in the room. It was working spotty last night in the room. So now I am in the lobby and it's working fine. Could make a connection in the room but Explorer wouldn't open any pages...

Pensacola beach is beautiful. Today I got a MAJOR jelly fish sting on the stomach. OUCH...I was trying to swim to the sand bar with Tyler's inflatable and surf a little bit but I got stung before I even got there and had to turn around and head back to shore. I was sooooo pisssed. Sprayed some white vinegar on there and rubbed a little meat tenderizer about 30 mins later. I think it helped but I have some little red welts across my stomach about 7"long. That was my first major sting. I got smaller ones which weren't so bad.

2 more days to go and on my to do list is more morning shots and some sunset shots. Found a good vantage point for the sunset shots today. The sun is setting toward the mainland and not over the Tyler, Isabelle, and I drove around this evening and I think we found a good vantage point.
I'm not drinking as much as I thought I would...something's gotta be wrong.

1 comment:

Lui5 said...

I had no idea we had stinging jellyfish in the Gulf of Mexico! Good thing it wasn't a Portuguese Man Of War!