Visited Pesches Nursery yesterday. Love that nursery. Went to Caputos and Walmart to shop for flowers a few weeks ago and was not motivated to garden at all. But after one trip to Pesches, the motivation kicked in. I just wish we could spend more. Oh well. I like what we got. Also, purchased 3 tadpoles which the kids have been playing with like pets. Isabelle has been hugging it and kissing it. Tyler has been catching them with his hands and a fish net as well - it's a funny sight. He takes his shirt off first before he starts fishing with his hands in the container fountain.

Oh My God, those things are massive! We just caught three tadpoles ourselves. I was totally blown away by their size, but yours look even bigger! My daughters also take them out, kiss them, run around the house with them. We had to put an end to it because a couple of times I thought they'd killed one. Now we just take them out maybe once a day. But ours don't have little legs yet like yours do! We can't wait! Good luck with yours!
I had some tadpoles when I was younger as well and kept them outside and then one night they were gone. It turns out a raccoon got to them so watch out for the coons!
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