The Perpetual Adolescent is at it again. We were playing with Tyler's t-ball which is attached to a long rubberband. I was throwing it in the air when it got stuck in the tree. So....hmmmm....how am I going to get this down? Tried unsuccessfully manuerving the rubberband around the branches. So I got a bigger rope and tried to wrap it around the ball unsuccessfully. Good thing the rock it was attached to did not hit the truck in the driveway. Nothing was working so I wrapped the rubberband around a stick and snapped it, my end hitting me in the chest. If only my brothers were watching, we would be all on the ground laughing.
Are those man-boobs? What the heck?
Wait, did i read that right? You tied a rope to pull on an oversized rubber band that was stuck on a branch, and just kept pulling harder??? That is excellent Primo-engineering!!! So how much of the rubber band is still dangling from the tree?...it should fall off in what, 13-14 years.
Excellent 300 body by the way!
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